Saturday, April 20, 2013

Task Saturation

     Not all that long ago I had a conversation with a business owner who brought up a topic, more like a concept, that I have applied to my whole life. Task Saturation. It is when a person or persons become so enveloped by the current task that they forget to think about the big picture. It can be complicated or very simple but the risk is great. A great example is if a driver was so concentrated on driving that they forget to check if they are low on gas until its too late. Yes, it is very important to watch the road. However, watching your mirrors, gauges and maybe even the kids in the back are also important. This idea can be applied to many things in life. Ever hit your thumb or finger with a hammer? Driving the nail is important but not as important as your finger. Think about it. Think about how you may be able to apply this to your life in some way. I feel you will find you are becoming task saturated more often then you think.

     I say all this because I was reminded just how big a part task saturation can play in a persons life. Recently there was the great unpleasantness in Boston. As my prayers go out to those touched by this event I would be remiss if I did not also point out that the race observers were task saturated on watching the race. I can relate having been a runner myself. However, I was also in the Navy and can speak from first hand experience that there is no time to become task saturated. I do not place blame on anyone but those responsible for the horrid acts in Boston but if just one person had said "Hmm, thats odd, that guy just dropped off a bag and then walked away. How odd." Just because they only tell you to watch for those things at the airport does not ever mean it cannot happen anywhere else. Everyone must play there part in becoming a smarted country, a safer country. Be a watch dog everywhere you go and know that it may save your life one day. God Bless and keep talking to the big man upstairs.

     I know some people have reservations about the Huffington Post but it has a good page to find ways to donate to help Bostonians effected by the recent terror event. Please take a gander and try to help if you can.

Boston Marathon Relief