Monday, February 4, 2013

Ammo Frenzy!

Ammo Ammo Everywhere And Not A Box To Buy!

  Lately people have been draining the country of available ammunition.  I do not have a problem with preparedness or even stocking up. However, I feel that Americans have been forgetting about fellow Americans. Everyone out there that is over buying ammunition...try sending a box to a friend or family member. Please share the wealth. Some people either cannot make it out early enough to catch the 5 minutes    that ammunition is available when shipments come in or like me cannot afford to buy a stock of ammunition. I have found a fondness for the TUL ammunition at Walmart as it is very cheap and a little easier to get a hold of. So, long story short...please, while you are making sure you are safe and prepared, be sure to help make sure those you care about are also prepared.